The Habits of Your Temperament

Depending on your temperament, you can be more prone to exhibit certain virtues and positive qualities, as well as face stronger temptations to fall into certain sins or vices. See the chart below to learn about the bright side and dark side of your temperament.

Throughout the day, you are constantly faced with the choice: God or not God. Every time you exercise the virtues and gifts of the “bright side” of your temperament, you choose and glorify God. When you exercise the sins and vices of the “dark side” of your temperament, you essentially choose “not God.”

After reflecting on the bright side and dark side of your temperament, ask yourself this: What active steps can I take to practice the bright side of my temperament and choose God? What active steps can I take to break the habits of the dark side of my temperament, which make me choose not God?

Temperament Types


Positives: Enthusiastic, Ambitious, Determined, Focused, Positive, Born leader, Dynamic, Practical, Justice-oriented, Strong-willed, Independent, Confident, Motivator

Negatives: Easily Angered, Stubborn, Vain, Argumentative, Inflated Self-confidence, Judgmental, Aggressive, Over-ambitious, Lack of sympathy


Recommended Resources


The Willpower Advantage

Christians, as well as all men and women, are called to holiness and happiness. But let’s face it, many of us struggle to take the practical steps necessary to overcome the vices that rob us of our peace and steal our joy. The WillPower Advantage™ reminds us that we need to develop the proper tools that equip us to handle the challenges that we face in everyday life, as well as fight off the vices that wound us. We are called to use the free will God gifted to us by surrendering to God’s grace in order to transform the world, beginning with our own lives.


Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems

Whatever you're struggling with, you're not alone: there's a saint who is not only praying for you before the throne of God, but who went through the same thing you're going through. In Saintly Solutions, Fr. Joseph Esper introduces you to over 350 saints who suffered in ways that you and I suffer every day, and who will bring you, too, to peace!


Temperaments & the Call to Holiness


Radio Show: The Temperament God Gave Your Kids
